Reseña Review
Georgie Cuentos de Amor Verdadero, son historias que te llevarán a conocer el amor en las diferentes manifestaciones con que aparece en nuestra vida, y te hará replantear tus ideas sobre la realidad. ¿Y si la realidad es sólo un sueño? ¿O los sueños son realidades? Como sea, ¡Nunca dejes de soñar!
Georgie, te retornara a la época de adolescente o joven, cuando sueñas con conocer a tus Rock Stars, podrás apreciar el aspecto humano de ellos e igual esos sueños se pueden realizar, como ocurre con las Reinas y Princesas de la actualidad. Es un tributo a un gran Rockstar, George Michael, lo descubrí realmente en 2022; su bella e icónica canción “Last Christmas” la escuché por primera vez, cuando él falleció, quedándose en mi alma, e inspiración para escribir este cuento.
Disfruta una Navidad inolvidable en Nueva York e imagínate caminando por sus calles iluminadas, o con Caniche, un hermoso perro simpático e inteligente que se ganará tu corazón.
Georgie Tales of True Love, are stories that will lead you to know love in the different manifestations with which it appears in our lives, and will make you rethink your ideas about reality. What if reality is just a dream? Or are dreams realities? Anyway, never stop dreaming!
Georgie, will take you back to the time of adolescence or youth, when you dream of meeting your Rock Stars, you will be able to appreciate the human aspect of them and those dreams can also come true, as is the case with the Queens and Princesses of today. It's a tribute to a great Rockstar, George Michael, I really found out in 2022; I heard his beautiful and iconic song “Last Christmas” for the first time, when he passed away, staying in my soul, and inspiration to write this story.
Enjoy an unforgettable Christmas in New York and imagine yourself walking through its illuminated streets, or with Poodle, a beautiful, friendly and intelligent dog that will win your heart.

Rosalba Robles
Biografía Biography
"Me considero una persona sensible y soñadora. Desde pequeña, siempre he tenido el deseo de ayudar a los demás con el propósito de que descubran que hay un ser superior que nos protege y que nos dio el poder de ser felices y cocreadores de nuestra vida.
Amo escribir poesía y cuentos, ya que de esa manera puedo plasmar una realidad a través de la fantasía, lo que me permite hacer mis sueños realidad a partir de la escritura.
Siempre me he considerado una soñadora, lo que me ha llevado a hacer realidad varios de mis sueños de niña y adolescente; uno de ellos, el de ser escritora y haber logrado publicar mi primer libro en 2021".
Rosalba Robles es Licenciada y Maestra en Administración de Empresas. Ha estudiado numerosos diplomados y cursos de museografía que le han permitido conectarse con el mundo del arte. Fue colaboradora del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA) y parte del equipo de organización del 50º Aniversario del Palacio de Bellas Artes.
I consider myself a sensitive and dreamy person. Since I was little, I have always had the desire to help others with the purpose of discovering that there is a superior being that protects us and that gave us the power to be happy and co-creators of our lives. .
I love writing poetry and short stories, since that way I can capture a reality through fantasy, which allows me to make my dreams come true through writing.
I have always considered myself a dreamer, which has led me to make several of my dreams come true as a child and adolescent; one of them, being a writer and having managed to publish my first book in 2021".
Rosalba Robles has a degree and a Master's degree in Business Administration. She has studied numerous diplomas and museography courses that have allowed her to connect with the art world. She was a collaborator of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) and part of the organization team of the 50th Anniversary of the Palace of Fine Arts.
Director of the projects: “Tlahuica”, at the Morelos Interactive Museum” and “Charlas de Café”, in Mexico City. Currently, she is the coordinator of the “Somos Bestsellers Latinoamericanos” collective, where she promotes new talents in letters , and where she has been nominated to be the Cultural Ambassador.
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*Book available in paperback and electronic.