Reseña Review
Es un libro autobiográfico, que relata mi infancia temprana en una familia reconstruida. La depresión en la que me sumí, por algunas situaciones de abuso. La constante lucha contra las comparaciones y los espejos en la adolescencia, pasando por trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, apego desordenado a las figuras parentales, depresiones severas… recurrentes hasta la vida adulta, cirugía de bypass gástrico, pensamientos e intentos suicidas. El libro enfatiza la necesidad de deshacerse de la culpa y la importancia de pedir ayuda. “Los lugares secretos del mediodía”, es una historia que desde lo externo, puede verse como un perfecto mediodía, mientras que los lugares secretos de mi ser interno estaban llenos de dolor y fantasmas. Mi salud psicoemocional iba en picada, pero logré cambiar el rumbo y transitar cuesta arriba. Me place haber escrito este libro, pues me ha permitido conectar con otras mujeres que se ven reflejadas en esta historia.
It is an autobiographical book, recounting my early childhood in a reconstructed family. The depression in which I plunged, due to some situations of abuse. The constant fight against comparisons and mirrors in adolescence, going through eating disorders, disorderly attachment to parental figures, severe depression... recurring until adulthood, gastric bypass surgery, suicidal thoughts and attempts. The book emphasizes the need to get rid of guilt and the importance of asking for help. "The secret places of noon" is a story that from the outside can be seen as a perfect noon, while the secret places of my inner being were full of pain and ghosts. My psycho-emotional health was in a tailspin, but I managed to change course and move uphill. I am pleased to have written this book, as it has allowed me to connect with other women who see themselves reflected in this story.
Blanca Sáenz Gárate
Biografía Biography
Blanca Sáenz es una persona que gusta de crear. Escribe, pinta, canta, toca la guitarra, cocina sin receta. Su madre es originaria de Tamaulipas, su padre de Chihuahua, pero fue criada por su nana veracruzana. El hecho de haber vivido en diferentes lugares, tanto de México, como de Estados Unidos, es para ella un regalo. Todos los integrantes de su familia cantan, eso le permitió aprender muchas canciones. Este mosaico familiar aumentó su creatividad, llevándola a plasmar en canciones, poemas, cartas, cuentos y recientemente iniciar su camino como escritora. Su libro autobiográfico fue presentado en el marco de la FIL de Guadalajara en noviembre de 2022. Actualmente, se está traduciendo al inglés, dado que su historia ha tocado el corazón de aquellas mujeres que se han visto reflejadas en sus letras. Gran contadora de cuentos e historias, herencia de su abuela paterna. Sin duda seguirá escribiendo, contando y creando.
Blanca Sáenz is a person who likes to create. She writes, paints, sings, plays the guitar, cooks without a recipe. Her mother is originally from Tamaulipas, her father from Chihuahua, but she was raised by her Veracruz nanny. The fact of having lived in different places, both in Mexico and in the United States, is a gift from her. All the members of her family sing about her, that allowed her to learn many songs from her. This family mosaic increased her creativity, leading her to translate into songs, poems, letters, stories and recently starting her path as a writer. Her autobiographical book was presented within the framework of the FIL in Guadalajara in November 2022. Currently, it is being translated into English, since her story has touched the hearts of those women who have seen themselves reflected in the lyrics from her She is a great teller of tales and stories, an inheritance from her paternal grandmother. She will undoubtedly continue writing, counting and creating.
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*Book available in paperback and electronic.