Este libro que hoy comparto contigo es una pequeña parte de mis recuerdos durante este transcurrir en la vida y el magisterio; estoy seguro de que Mis Recuerdos no son tan diferentes a los tuyos, finalmente todos nos remontan a lo que somos, a la esencia de nuestro ser, a nuestras raíces y aunque afortunadamente todos somos diversos, ahí radica nuestra comunidad.
Reseña Review
This book that I share with you today is a small part of my memories during this passing in life and teaching; I am sure that My Memories are not so different from yours, ultimately they all take us back to what we are, to the essence of our being, to our roots and although fortunately we are all diverse, that is where our community lies.

Ariel Mauricio García
Biografía Biography
Ariel Mauricio García Oliva, es maestro desde hace más de cuarenta años. Ha trabajado en todos los niveles educativos y en diferentes realidades socioculturales, lo que le ha permitido un acercamiento con la realidad educativa de su país y un profundo conocimiento de la diversidad de personas, costumbres y formas de pensar. Estudió la Licenciatura en Educación Básica, Filosofía y una maestría en Administración de Instituciones Educativas. Se ha desempeñado como conferencista, asesor, consultor de programas educativos en diferentes campos de la docencia. Actualmente, trabaja como Supervisor de Educación Preescolar. Durante todo ese tiempo ha aprendido qué, la educación es un diálogo permanente en el que nos conocemos a través de los otros, y esa es la razón de ser de su libro: “Escuchando mis Recuerdos”.
Ariel Mauricio García Oliva, has been a teacher for more than forty years. He has worked at all educational levels and in different sociocultural realities, which has allowed him to get closer to the educational reality of his country and a deep knowledge of the diversity of people, customs and ways of thinking. He studied a Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education, Philosophy and a Master's Degree in Administration of Educational Institutions. He has served as a lecturer, adviser, consultant for educational programs in different fields of teaching. Currently, he works as a Preschool Education Supervisor. During all this time he has learned that education is a permanent dialogue in which we get to know each other through others, and that is the reason for his book: “Listening my Memories”.
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